Wednesday 8 May 2013

Gala Apple Blossom ~ Blossom Walk

The second day of The Orchard Year 's virtual blossom trail continues with a walk through the avenues of gala apple trees:

Gala is an incredibly popular apple, recently out ranking the Cox apple in the popularity stakes, yet it was only really introduced commercially to Great Britain in the 1980's.

One reason for it's popularity is the simple fact that the Gala apple is one of the most widely grown apples in the world making it a supermarket favourite. The supermarkets can stock Gala all year round as not only is it grown in both the northern and southern hemispheres it is also an exceptionally good keeper.

The Gala apple is a cross between a Golden Delicious and Kidd's Orange Red, Kidd's Orange Red is an offspring of Cox's Orange Pippin. It was developed by J.H. Kidd in New Zealand in the 1930's.

Gala is a sweet "easy-eating" variety.

Join The Orchard Year 's virtual Blossom Walk:
Discovery Apple Blossom

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